as the title told about...
maybe I look strong outside, but inside I'm not more than a weak human
last days, I feel so lonely and go sucked about daily routine
when I worked part-time job yesterday, in way home while I riding my bike, I cried
I was thinking, I could be looked so tough, so patient, and cheerful
but what people see is not the real me,, (yes, I know everybody must feel the same, you'll never show the truth in front of everyone, it's the fact)
I got stuck between many problems in my life,, and again, I know my problems are not as big as my mom has
but still, sometime I think over again, what is this life for?
who do I live for?
then I found the answer.... to be honest, it's spontanious,, just MY OWN mind which told it
"I live for people's happiness... yes, I want to get that happiness too but the first is that... better not to thinking about myself if not I can't show others that I'm trying to be stronger than before... I try not to show my tears to no one... coz it's not very nice"
well, ok then....
I need to take a rest now
see ya in next stories :))
Posted by: chiyo_90 - Tuesday, May 25, 2010
my cousin, Sienny told me that KAT-TUN has released a new PV
here is what I've got
the title is 'Love Yourself' as a theme song of Yamato Nadeshiko TV drama =3
as usual, my favorite member - Akanishi Jin looks so hot in that PV
with his unique style and that blue glasses~ ugggyyaaaa..... *faints*
here is what I've got
the title is 'Love Yourself' as a theme song of Yamato Nadeshiko TV drama =3
as usual, my favorite member - Akanishi Jin looks so hot in that PV
with his unique style and that blue glasses~ ugggyyaaaa..... *faints*
Posted by: chiyo_90 - Saturday, May 22, 2010
today I did a speech contest in UNPAD at Jatinangor, far away from my house
but do you know what happened?! yessssss.... I failed =((
as waiting for turn, I was very nervous until I almost can't breath easily.. soon after I came towards and stand behind the podium, I FORGOT EVERYTHING!!! I FORGOT THE SPEECH!!! oh damn shit~
so, I just see.. nah, read I mean... READ all the speech in speechless
well, it's over now so I can't do anything to change the reality that I failed for today.. it's ok, really.. but to tell the truth, my mood was so bad and almost cried.
I hope next year I can do speech again and trying to do the best to get the best
that's my words~ XD
aaarrrggghhh!!! I'm so sleepy now~ (-____-)o
then, see you soon! I must to rest my eyes and my brain LOL
see ya!
but do you know what happened?! yessssss.... I failed =((
as waiting for turn, I was very nervous until I almost can't breath easily.. soon after I came towards and stand behind the podium, I FORGOT EVERYTHING!!! I FORGOT THE SPEECH!!! oh damn shit~
so, I just see.. nah, read I mean... READ all the speech in speechless
well, it's over now so I can't do anything to change the reality that I failed for today.. it's ok, really.. but to tell the truth, my mood was so bad and almost cried.
I hope next year I can do speech again and trying to do the best to get the best
that's my words~ XD
aaarrrggghhh!!! I'm so sleepy now~ (-____-)o
then, see you soon! I must to rest my eyes and my brain LOL
see ya!
fuckin' asshole!!
Posted by: chiyo_90 - Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I'll write down in indonesian for today coz I'm not in a very good mood to use my brain
sebelumnya, tlg jgn masukkan hati semua yg gw tulis disini, anggep aja ini unek".. lbh mending dkeluarin drpda dtumpuk jd tai, bener??
jd ceritanya gini, gw tu kan ikutan drama di kampus,, CUMAN BANTUIN, tolong catat!! gw bukan demi nilai dan gw lagi ga ngambil tu mata kuliah, giliran gw taun depan.. DAN GW BANTU DGN SANGAT TERAMAT RELA HATI, selama ini gw ga pernah mengeluhkan sesuatu hal yg bner" buat mood gw jelek bgt kyk hari ini.
selese pentas, sesi foto" tuh.. tiba" pemaen sampingan yaitu onnatachi (para wanita) yg berperan jd penduduk desa pd mau foto,, secara gw jg jd onna ya! terus pas temen gw manggil "cha, sini.. kita foto brg!" yah gw sih biasa aja, jalan dgn santai mnuju tempat DI SEBELAH TEMEN GW ITU YG TADI MANGGIL, gw ga pernah mau berdiri dkt SETAN ya, tolong.. *maaf,, tidak ada sensor disini,, damn good!!*
tu 'hantu' bilang bgini : "dy mah bukan onna, dy mah banci" dgn muka yg haha heheh kyk org idiot baru pertama kali mau difoto sembari nunjuk" gw..
btw, gw tu emang didandanin 'agak aneh' coz gw kudu pake wig, jujur tu wig emang aneh, gw jg ga suka ya, CATET!! tp bhubung rmbut gw KUNING KYK JAGUNG jd mau ga mau gw terpaksa pake. gw ogah dicet item soale,, maleeeessss~~ krn alasan itulah mau bagaimana pun gw di make up, tetep aja kliatan aneh,, pertama" sih gw akuin emang kyk banci, tp tolong,, hargain jg prasaan gw dong.. gw ini masih berkelamin WANITA!! bukan waria... tolol!
sekali, dua kali.. oke gw masih biasa,, ini yg KETIGA kalinya,, kesabaran gw jg udh ampe ujung, situ kira gw kagak bisa marah?!! heh, biar gw murah senyum dan seringkali bertingkah layaknya pelawak,, please deh,, tau waktu dong kpn lu bisa bcanda, kpn lu BISA HARGAIN gw!! *maaf.,, emosi*
kyknya klo u ga di make up, jelek deh, Set.. ( cantikan gw kaleeee~~ XP
lagian gw tinggi, elu ngga.. putih sih boleh putihan elu, ampe kdg gw pikir elu itu masih idup ato udh jadi mayat saking putihnya? O_Oa
gw sih amat sangat jarang, bahkan seumur gw kuliah, baru sekali doang gw pke make up, itupun cuman eye liner item.. tp dandanan yang SEDERHANA itu ngga ngbuat gw jd kyk TANTE KUNTI,,
secara bibir gw masih merah asli,, ga putih... *setan memang* ckckckckk
satu hal aja yg pengen gw omongin k dy,, NGACA NYET!!
makasih karna telah mendandani si cha" ini jd kyk BANCI, itu kan yg elu bilang?! nah, yg salah itu di gw nya apa dandanan elu nya?? tp kyknya sih salah wig nya.. *masih baek*
ntar" lagi,, coba deh elu k kmpus tanpa make up dong,, biar bisa bandingin lbh cantik gw apa elu? lebih cewe gw apa elu? tp da gw mah cewe biasa yg ga suka lebay dalam berpakaian,, SOPAN lah gw mah.. tau sikon dmn harus pake bju dan kapan harus ga pake bju *koplok aja ni bahasa,, udh bete* =.=#) "
okeh, PUAS GW!! cukup aja kyknya...
nanti klo ada lg unek", gw kluarin lagi disini ibarat buang tai di kakus.. koplok aja~ *geret" tangan pake piso*
liyat,, gw mah ga mati~ ga kyk elu, belaga tinggi pdhal boncel *heueuh da bonsai*
catatan: TOLONG YA, JANGAN ADA YG KOMENTAR TENTANG APA YG GW TULIS DI ATAS. KALO MAU NANYA ATO BALIK NYEMPROT, TEMUIN GW AJA LANGSUNG,, GW LADENIN.. sok mau apa? perang lempar eek? ato lomba siapa plg cepet bunuh lawan tanpa senjata? ato mau lomba siapa yg paling seksi? tp yg trakhir ini mah gw ga mau ikutan, so pasti dy lah yg menang, secara gw mah masih polos, lugu, ga mau terjun dlm bidang yg melanggar UU pornografi dan pornoaksi!
sekian dan terima kasih =3
sebelumnya, tlg jgn masukkan hati semua yg gw tulis disini, anggep aja ini unek".. lbh mending dkeluarin drpda dtumpuk jd tai, bener??
jd ceritanya gini, gw tu kan ikutan drama di kampus,, CUMAN BANTUIN, tolong catat!! gw bukan demi nilai dan gw lagi ga ngambil tu mata kuliah, giliran gw taun depan.. DAN GW BANTU DGN SANGAT TERAMAT RELA HATI, selama ini gw ga pernah mengeluhkan sesuatu hal yg bner" buat mood gw jelek bgt kyk hari ini.
selese pentas, sesi foto" tuh.. tiba" pemaen sampingan yaitu onnatachi (para wanita) yg berperan jd penduduk desa pd mau foto,, secara gw jg jd onna ya! terus pas temen gw manggil "cha, sini.. kita foto brg!" yah gw sih biasa aja, jalan dgn santai mnuju tempat DI SEBELAH TEMEN GW ITU YG TADI MANGGIL, gw ga pernah mau berdiri dkt SETAN ya, tolong.. *maaf,, tidak ada sensor disini,, damn good!!*
tu 'hantu' bilang bgini : "dy mah bukan onna, dy mah banci" dgn muka yg haha heheh kyk org idiot baru pertama kali mau difoto sembari nunjuk" gw..
btw, gw tu emang didandanin 'agak aneh' coz gw kudu pake wig, jujur tu wig emang aneh, gw jg ga suka ya, CATET!! tp bhubung rmbut gw KUNING KYK JAGUNG jd mau ga mau gw terpaksa pake. gw ogah dicet item soale,, maleeeessss~~ krn alasan itulah mau bagaimana pun gw di make up, tetep aja kliatan aneh,, pertama" sih gw akuin emang kyk banci, tp tolong,, hargain jg prasaan gw dong.. gw ini masih berkelamin WANITA!! bukan waria... tolol!
sekali, dua kali.. oke gw masih biasa,, ini yg KETIGA kalinya,, kesabaran gw jg udh ampe ujung, situ kira gw kagak bisa marah?!! heh, biar gw murah senyum dan seringkali bertingkah layaknya pelawak,, please deh,, tau waktu dong kpn lu bisa bcanda, kpn lu BISA HARGAIN gw!! *maaf.,, emosi*
kyknya klo u ga di make up, jelek deh, Set.. ( cantikan gw kaleeee~~ XP
lagian gw tinggi, elu ngga.. putih sih boleh putihan elu, ampe kdg gw pikir elu itu masih idup ato udh jadi mayat saking putihnya? O_Oa
gw sih amat sangat jarang, bahkan seumur gw kuliah, baru sekali doang gw pke make up, itupun cuman eye liner item.. tp dandanan yang SEDERHANA itu ngga ngbuat gw jd kyk TANTE KUNTI,,
secara bibir gw masih merah asli,, ga putih... *setan memang* ckckckckk
satu hal aja yg pengen gw omongin k dy,, NGACA NYET!!
makasih karna telah mendandani si cha" ini jd kyk BANCI, itu kan yg elu bilang?! nah, yg salah itu di gw nya apa dandanan elu nya?? tp kyknya sih salah wig nya.. *masih baek*
ntar" lagi,, coba deh elu k kmpus tanpa make up dong,, biar bisa bandingin lbh cantik gw apa elu? lebih cewe gw apa elu? tp da gw mah cewe biasa yg ga suka lebay dalam berpakaian,, SOPAN lah gw mah.. tau sikon dmn harus pake bju dan kapan harus ga pake bju *koplok aja ni bahasa,, udh bete* =.=#) "
okeh, PUAS GW!! cukup aja kyknya...
nanti klo ada lg unek", gw kluarin lagi disini ibarat buang tai di kakus.. koplok aja~ *geret" tangan pake piso*
liyat,, gw mah ga mati~ ga kyk elu, belaga tinggi pdhal boncel *heueuh da bonsai*
catatan: TOLONG YA, JANGAN ADA YG KOMENTAR TENTANG APA YG GW TULIS DI ATAS. KALO MAU NANYA ATO BALIK NYEMPROT, TEMUIN GW AJA LANGSUNG,, GW LADENIN.. sok mau apa? perang lempar eek? ato lomba siapa plg cepet bunuh lawan tanpa senjata? ato mau lomba siapa yg paling seksi? tp yg trakhir ini mah gw ga mau ikutan, so pasti dy lah yg menang, secara gw mah masih polos, lugu, ga mau terjun dlm bidang yg melanggar UU pornografi dan pornoaksi!
sekian dan terima kasih =3
not much, but exhausted
Posted by: chiyo_90 - Monday, May 17, 2010
today is May 17th, right? then 2 days more to perfome the drama!! O_O
so nervous if I think about this one~ ahahahahha *faints*
this morning I came to univ to do rehearsal and just got home at 7.30 pm.. kinda tired also I had not enough time to sleep so this head became so annoying sometime,, likes someone knocked on my head *dok dok dok*
well, because my hair is blonde (I dyed it) and has a medium-length so I MUST to wear a wig
that wig..... yeah,, THAT WIG!!! aaaarrrrggghhh~ it makes me look like a silly girl LOL
I hate that thing but no way I can choose *cries*
but anyway, I just want to give the best me so I'll be ok with that though
by the way, didn't I tell you that I like my lecturer? hahahahhaa
he's a Japanese man in his 32. although he's way older than me but I like him just by saw his face for the first time *blushing*
I've once took him a ride to an electronic mall to buy a new charger for his cellphone and it was my precious moment ever~ coz I had to speak in Japanese no matter what,, sensei can't speak Indonesian :)
I think he's a friendly, nice, and good man =3
I just met him already this afternoon, he came to give an advices for our drama in Japanese sight, he's totally a polite one,, really... I bet you for this! lol
later, he kept his promise to teach me how to read well for my speech
you know what? I've falling on him more than before,, he's my charming teacher >////<
well, we'll see each other again in May 19th at drama performance, hope to see him soon *smiles*
thanks you so much for your kindness, sensei.. XD
ok, later,, I must to take a rest right now ;D
so nervous if I think about this one~ ahahahahha *faints*
this morning I came to univ to do rehearsal and just got home at 7.30 pm.. kinda tired also I had not enough time to sleep so this head became so annoying sometime,, likes someone knocked on my head *dok dok dok*
well, because my hair is blonde (I dyed it) and has a medium-length so I MUST to wear a wig
that wig..... yeah,, THAT WIG!!! aaaarrrrggghhh~ it makes me look like a silly girl LOL
I hate that thing but no way I can choose *cries*
but anyway, I just want to give the best me so I'll be ok with that though
by the way, didn't I tell you that I like my lecturer? hahahahhaa
he's a Japanese man in his 32. although he's way older than me but I like him just by saw his face for the first time *blushing*
I've once took him a ride to an electronic mall to buy a new charger for his cellphone and it was my precious moment ever~ coz I had to speak in Japanese no matter what,, sensei can't speak Indonesian :)
I think he's a friendly, nice, and good man =3
I just met him already this afternoon, he came to give an advices for our drama in Japanese sight, he's totally a polite one,, really... I bet you for this! lol
later, he kept his promise to teach me how to read well for my speech
you know what? I've falling on him more than before,, he's my charming teacher >////<
well, we'll see each other again in May 19th at drama performance, hope to see him soon *smiles*
thanks you so much for your kindness, sensei.. XD
ok, later,, I must to take a rest right now ;D
hey, it's me again! lol
Posted by: chiyo_90 - Sunday, May 16, 2010
yo, whazz up?!! ^^)/"
long not write down my blog right here.. but I always updating my japanese blog in Ameblo. if you want, you can check it here
there, what will I publish now?
well, maybe I'll tell you what has happened these days.
I joint a drama in my university and it is a japanese myth about a mermaid and a red candle. in Japanese the title is 'Akai Rousoku To Ningyo'
I bet you, it's a good one to be watched! lol
if you live in Bandung, then I hope you will come to watch
it's on May 19th in Maranatha Christian University XD
here are some photos which I took with my friends in yukata, the japanese traditional clothes

then, see ya!
I'll try to update again soon XD
have a good day <3
long not write down my blog right here.. but I always updating my japanese blog in Ameblo. if you want, you can check it here
there, what will I publish now?
well, maybe I'll tell you what has happened these days.
I joint a drama in my university and it is a japanese myth about a mermaid and a red candle. in Japanese the title is 'Akai Rousoku To Ningyo'
I bet you, it's a good one to be watched! lol
if you live in Bandung, then I hope you will come to watch
it's on May 19th in Maranatha Christian University XD
here are some photos which I took with my friends in yukata, the japanese traditional clothes

then, see ya!
I'll try to update again soon XD
have a good day <3
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