long not write down my blog right here.. but I always updating my japanese blog in Ameblo. if you want, you can check it here http://ameblo.jp/feliciamano
there, what will I publish now?
well, maybe I'll tell you what has happened these days.
I joint a drama in my university and it is a japanese myth about a mermaid and a red candle. in Japanese the title is 'Akai Rousoku To Ningyo'
I bet you, it's a good one to be watched! lol
if you live in Bandung, then I hope you will come to watch
it's on May 19th in Maranatha Christian University XD
here are some photos which I took with my friends in yukata, the japanese traditional clothes

then, see ya!
I'll try to update again soon XD
have a good day <3
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